Friday, 27 April 2012

Computer Science, drink more coffee

(Same room. Same table, too. Same clothes piles scattered around the floor...)

And so today begins like the others, entirely too late (night owl-ing it) and with a deliciously milky coffee and a Pot Noodle. If I had time, I'd make my entirely-amazing-wonderful-super-awesome-coffee-based-condensed-milk-extravaganza-with-cinnamon-and-chocolate (hah, spell checker blew up on that), but it takes a while.

Exams draw ever nearer, and I haven't revised enough yet. At all, for anything. Weirdly, the panic which I usually experience in this situation hasn't quite set in yet. I am feeling oddly detached. Perhaps this is the calm before the axe falls. Or maybe endless torment by the wiry claw of my own head massager has scrambled my brains. Who knows? I will probably start freaking out after I fail the first one!

Either way, today is the day I try and finish Modal and Temporal Logic (uughhh) and also try and do.. something, with that BMI report. That subject was so much more trouble than it was worth. So I'd better head in!


Saturday, 14 April 2012

Rude awakenings, and a meat-up

Ah, I was hoping to sleep in this morning, but alas - someone in the next block of flats was hoping, equally as fervently, to get their DIY done. At 8:30 on a Saturday. As a result, I woke up to the sound of hammers smashing plaster and a drill boring through the wall right next to my head. A little unnerving to say the least, but still, wide awake now.

Had an excellent night last night (yeah, this blog might as well be called 'one step behind', or something, nothing is ever on the day) celebrating the birthday of the group's resident quiet Russian man. As befitting such a manly occasion, 12-13 or so of us descended upon a diner in Bayswater, where we had entirely too much meat and milkshake. Afterwards, a trip to the pub to wash down the ridiculous amount of fat with various spirits, cider and beer. Good times were had by all. Except for arteries and livers.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Flerp flerp flerpolution

Went DDRing down by the river for the second time this week yesterday. It was suuuper fun! I actually think I'm getting better - it used to be that I'd play Super Driver and have to be scraped off the machine afterwards, but now I'm doing a lot better stamina-wise.

Doing ok at Super Driver on Difficult by now, passed Love Shine on Expert (old song, new difficulty) and tried a new song called bag on Difficult. Which always makes me think of carrier bags, but no, it's bagpipes, plus some incredibly cramped stepfile. I'm poor at reading so I have to do it on 3x. Nice rhythm though. I'm probably more 'epileptic fit' than 'folk dancer' right now, but hey, you can't have it all.

I went in there limping due to poorly fitting shoes, so I thought I'd play barefoot, despite the probable fun to be had from applying for mitigating circumstances with 'Slipped while playing rhythm game and cracked skull open on metal bar'. This had two unpleasant effects. Firstly, I appeared to have picked up all the disgusting dirt in the place on the soles of my feet, making me resemble some sort of dancing hobo. Secondly, the ball of each of my feet is now red and sore (it seems that's what I tend to hit the panels with.) So I can't walk!

Afterwards, から揚げ丼 for dinner. >w< おいしかった! I hope I can play DDR more soon, I'm happy I'm getting better.
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