Sunday, 21 October 2012

Japan Underground: Girl Rock Night!

33Insanity'sVertebraの真野 希

 Yesterday, there was another Japan Underground event (so soon, so soon!) billed as 'Girl Rock Night'.

I was a little late and missed all of the first artist and most of the second. The third, miette-one, had dreamy vocals drifting over bleeps and bloops from the music maker on an iPad. A little bit of melodica and keyboard at points, along with a game of じゃんけん with the crowd. It was all rather cute! She threw four CDs into the crowd at the end of her set. Well, I say threw, but they really didn't make it far - Marvin, Matt and Anders each got one, so the furthest only made it two rows back! Heehee... flunked sports, maybe...? (Like I can talk.)

So that was all well and good, but I was sort of wondering where the 'rock' part of the Girl Rock Night was - but then the last act, 33Insanity'sVertebra took the stage, and the night kicked up a notch. Everything was suddenly very, VERY loud! Their show was great fun, the music got the crowd going and cheering for an encore. Unfortunately we missed out on her CD giveaway, those things vanished before I even knew they were being given out.

Managed to snag a photo with the vocalist, Nozomi. She's pretty! And I like her fashion sense and hair. :D

(Pictures in this post shamelessly stolen from Marvin, some BW'ed for consistency!)

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